

In order for the Centre to meet the total needs of the child, we provide a balanced program. Our program offers a diverse number of activities designed to promote the overall growth of the individual child.

Traditional Program

Free Play Activity – activities involving running, jumping, swinging, climbing; equipment for larger muscle development; working with puzzles, crayons, building blocks, the play centers, toys, etc.


Creative Activity – activities / themes to promote the child’s cognitive & psychological development – singing, painting, dancing, drama, music and movement, arts and crafts, story time, colouring, etc.


Self-Directed Activity – activities involving water play, sand play, housekeeping, carpentry, nature, and library time, etc.


Directed Play Activity– organized activities designed to promote a specific skill or competence to develop large and/or small motor coordination.

Routine Activity – activities such as washing hands, snack time, eating, dressing, sleeping, washroom procedures.

Group Activity – activities such as circle time, story telling, group projects, sense –training games, teaching sessions, show and tell, Ukrainian dancing, singing, plays, etc.

Gymnasium / Playground – the physical environment of the Centre reflects and reinforces the program objectives; large and small muscle activities which promote a child’s physical development are incorporated through the use of school facilities.

Activities are organized to promote the social, physical, emotional, and intellectual growth of the child and influence the way in which the program is delivered. The staff is aware that an activity is designed to contribute to some aspect of the child’s growth and is flexible and sensitive regarding the child’s involvement in the activity. Co-operation rather than competition is stressed in group work, self-expression rather than conformity in creative activity, and individual problem solving rather than staff teaching in free play activities. The staff is warm, acceptable and supportive in their interaction with the children and their delivery of the program.